Friday, November 6, 2009 @ 4:10 PM

Get Your Parents To Get You A Student Mastercard Credit Card

All your friends own a student mastercard credit card, and you want one, too. The thing is, you are having difficulty convincing your parents. It is only natural for your parents to be concerned about you having a credit card because they know that having a credit card can tempt anyone to go into a spending spree and this can result to accumulated debts.

It is therefore important for you to show your parents that you’ll be able to manage your student mastercard credit card bills well. Start by being responsible; prove to your parents that you can be trusted with money and not go beyond your budget. Show them that you are not someone who is likely to go on a shopping trip and overspend.

If needed, talk to them heart-to-heart, and commit to use the credit card responsibly. Tell them that it’s not all about fad that you want to have a credit card but for practical reasons. They may not always be there to give you money for your immediate and emergency needs, and a credit card can really unburden you of the pressure of having to look for other sources of money.
You can ask your parents to go credit card shopping with you to make them feel comfortable with the idea. You can scour the World Wide Web together for companies that offer the lowest interest rate, the most efficient customer care, and the most attractive packages. You see, not all credit card providers are the same. Some companies are able to offer low interest rates than the others. You are also likely to see zero percent and free annual fee offers by other companies. In almost all cases, providers offer exciting benefits to their customers. For example, you may chance upon companies offering cash rebates of up to 10% or reward points. In the case of the latter, you get to accumulate bonus points for your every purchase which you may later redeem for cash or prizes.

Do promise your parents that you will manage your account like a responsible and mature person. You have to fully pay your purchases when they become due so as not to accumulate debts which will be difficult to pay off. Remember, a good credit history is very important as this is reflected in your credit report. You must know, too, that a good credit report increases your chances of getting approved of any kind of loan later on, and managing a student mastercard credit card is often the first step to build a good reputation as a creditor.


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